Hedgehog Markets: A User Guide (Devnet)

Hedgehog Markets
7 min readApr 17, 2021


Hello Hedgehogs 🦔!

Here is a user guide for our Devnet Platform. It covers:

  1. Hedgehog.Markets
  2. Understanding Market Information
  3. Pick a Market and Make a Trade
  4. Adding & Removing Liquidity
  5. Understanding Your Hedgehog Portfolio

If you need any help, or have any ideas or suggestions, you can always find us in Discord! :) Join us and 12,500+ awesome community members here → https://discord.com/invite/prBc7teqKC

Step 1: Go to Hedgehog.Markets

This will bring you to our home page, where we display all markets that are currently available to trade. You can browse each of the markets to learn more about them and click into them for more information.

On our Home Page, you will see the various markets available for trading

We also recommend you connect your Solana wallet when you arrive. You can select Sollet or Solong, and you will be prompted with a request to approve the connection. Once you approve, your wallet will be connected.

Connect your Sollet or Solong wallet

Make sure you have Devnet SOL in addition to your sHOG! Devnet SOL will help process your transactions, and sHOG is what you will transact with on our closed beta platform. For more information on Devnet SOL and sHOG, please check out this article. Beta sign-ups closed on April 14th, 2021.

Step 2: Understanding Market Information

Market Information

  • MARKET ENDS ON — date that the market will close
  • TRADE VOLUME — total volume of Yes and No shares traded
  • LIQUIDITY — total volume of sHOG stablecoins in the market’s Liquidity Pool (LP)
  • YES — the current price of 1 Yes share
  • NO — the current price of 1 No share

User’s Holdings

  • Shares: YES — in your portfolio, the number of YES shares and the value of those shares
  • Shares: NO — in your portfolio, the number of NO shares and the value of those shares
  • LP Shares — if you add liquidity, you’ll see the number of LP shares you receive in exchange for the sHOG you added to the LP
  • Collateral — the amount of sHOG in your wallet

Unless a market is tagged as “CLOSED” or “RESOLVED,” it is available to trade!

Step 3: Pick a Market and Make a Trade

Once you’ve decided on a market to trade, click into it. YES or NO shares will resolve to $1.00, depending on which outcome is correct according to the resolution source, on the resolution date.

You can input how many sHOG worth of shares you’d like to buy. Play around with inputting different amounts and watch as the metrics of your trade respond dynamically.

Example: Market Trade page (mobile)
Example: Order Form when user clicks the “Trade” button
Example: Using the Order Form on Desktop

Once you feel comfortable with the amount of Yes or No shares you will receive, press “SEND ORDER” and your wallet will prompt you to Approve the transaction.

Once you press “APPROVE”, wait a few seconds and you will see this popup.

Step 4: Adding & Removing Liquidity

Liquidity providers provide liquidity to the market, which enables traders to trade Yes and No shares. On Mainnet, liquidity providers will be rewarded with fees from users’ trades! We hope to provide liquidity providers as well as traders with a superior experience that benefits user growth and the ecosystem. On Devnet, we will monitor the liquidity levels for each market and ensure there is just enough for users to trade actively.

To add liquidity, click on the “Add Liquidity” button on a market trade page. A modal will display, and you can enter the amount of sHOG you’d like to add to the market. When you are ready, click “Add Liquidity” and Approve the transaction in your Solana wallet. This will give you an amount of LP shares in exchange for the amount of sHOG you added to the LP.

To remove liquidity, click on the “Remove Liquidity” button on a market trade page. A modal will display, and you can enter the amount of LP shares you’d like to remove from the market. If you are unsure of how many LP shares you have, you can click “Max” which will display your total number of LP shares.

When you are ready, click “Remove Liquidity” and Approve the transaction in your Solana wallet. Note* this will give you amounts of Yes and No shares according to the current odds of that market. It will not withdraw in sHOG.

Step 5: Understanding Your Hedgehog Portfolio

When you click on “Portfolio” in the Menu, you will see a summary of your holdings.

  • PORTFOLIO VALUE — the sum of your Open Positions and your Cash (sHOG)
  • OPEN POSITIONS — the sum of your Yes and No shares across all markets you have traded
  • CASH — this is your sHOG balance

You will see you Yes and No shares each as their own position.

  • OUTCOME — this is the outcome share you hold (Yes or No)
  • PRICE AVG | CUR. — this is the average price you paid for the shares, and CUR is the Current price of the shares
  • P/L: $ | % — this displays any P&L from your trade in $USD equivalent and % ROI
  • QTY — this is the number of shares you have in that position
  • CURRENT VALUE — this is the current value of your position

You will see every market to which you have provided liquidity.

  • LIQUIDITY SHARES — how many LP shares you received in exchange for your sHOG
  • SHARES VALUE — what your LP shares are currently worth

About Hedgehog Markets

The mission of Hedgehog Markets is to provide direct, veritable, and open access to the wisdom of crowds. Hedgehog Markets was founded by George Yu, a former Google and Oscar Health engineer. Interested in exploring ways to better predict future events, and noticing a lack of user-friendly ways to do so, building a decentralized prediction markets platform became a natural extension of that interest. Hedgehog Markets was built alongside e^{i} Ventures (EIV), a venture studio focused on DeFi and decentralized applications. Learn more about Hedgehog at https://hedgehog.markets and on Medium.

For press inquiries, please reach out to media@hedgehog.markets


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Hedgehog Markets

Bet. On. Anything. Decentralized Prediction Markets built on Solana!